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DIY shoe rack ideas for an organised home

  • DIY & Weekend Projects
Jun 22, 2021
An old wooden frame that has been repurposed as a shoe rack - Beautiful Homes

A Simple Shoe Stand To Keep Everything Together

Often overlooked, pairs of shoes strewn around a room can unknowingly make the entire space look messy. By creating a shoe stand from a simple ledge or shelf, you can create a sense of neatness and organisation. The beauty of this trick is that it can be fitted in any nook or corner in a home with a few inches of wall space.


Expert Tip: toring your shoes together and away from the floor reduces dust collection which can accumulate over time. With this DIY shoe rack, the open space created below makes daily mop ups easy.

DIY shoe rack made with simple ledge or shelf for your home décor - Beautiful Homes
Image courtesy, Jake Goossen/ unsplash
Use an empty wall in your home interior as a DIY shoe rack - Beautiful Homes
Image courtesy, Africa Studio/ Shutterstock

Use The Empty Space On Your Walls To Create A Shoe Rack

When planning around maximising space in a compact floor plan, we often tend to overlook the barren area on our walls. While the lower half might have movable or immovable pieces of furniture, the wall above usually lies bare. From a tiny corner between a beam or cupboard to an empty wall in a room—you can use this space to display your collection of shoes. If you’ve always wanted to own a dream closet that displays your footwear, but don’t have the space for it, this is the perfect DIY shoe rack.


Diy Tip: Any ready-made boxes glued together work well for creating this shoe rack—from sturdy wood to light cardboard boxes painted in your favourite colour.

Objects Around The House Can Be Repuposped To Create A Shoe Rack

We all have a responsibility to live sustainably. The simplest way to start is by reusing or repurposing items around the house to avoid over consumption and wastage. The cartons or boxes we receive our produce, groceries and home supplies in are usually discarded in the trash. If it’s received in good condition, these can be cleaned, restored and repainted to store objects around the house. In this room, simple wood cartons have been painted white to match the walls, and placed sideways to form a shoe stand.


Diy Tip: A solid coat of paint still isn’t doing the trick? Try covering your DIY shoe rack in wallpaper for a sleeker finish and to conceal its original form. For a range of vibrant designer prints, we’re partial to Asian Paint’s Nilaya range of wallpapers.

Make unused boxes or cartons in your home as a diy solution for shoe rack - Beautiful Homes
Image courtesy, Shutterstock
Creative shoe rack made from a ladder for the perfect home décor - Beautiful Homes
Image courtesy, Africa Studio/ Shutterstock

A Simple Ladder Can Transform Into A Shoe Rack

As another example of using objects around the house, a ladder can double as a shoe stand in a compact room. By placing it at an angle and screwing it to the top of a wall, you can use each step as a space for a pair of shoes. While this idea might not work for your entire shoe collection, as it could gather dust over time, it’s a nifty solution for the couple of pairs you wear every day.


Style Tip:To avoid over clutter, and also create an aesthetic, intersperse each shelf with a potted plant or décor accessories.

A Storage Space For Shoes That Doubles As A Countertop For Accessories  


An entrance design is important to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for guests. While a shoe rack or shoe closet on the floor stores all your footwear, the surface above can serve as a mantelpiece for placing decorative items. This sort of shoe rack works well in a home’s entrance to avoid greeting guests with a cluttered pile of shoes. On the surface above, you could place a fresh bowl of flowers, potpourri, scented candles or even a large mirror to check yourself before walking out the door.

DIY shoe rack design with a countertop to keep home décor items - Beautiful Homes
Image courtesy, New Africa/ Shutterstock
An open shoe space made with simple wired rack to avoid musty odours - Beautiful Homes
Image courtesy, New Africa/ Shutterstock

An Open Shoe Stand To Avoid Musty Odours

If you live in the city that faces ample rain and humidity, chances are you have to find a solution for soggy shoes often. If you store them away in closed cupboards or drawers, you’re likely to have stale foul odours building up over time. A simpler solution is a basic wire rack placed at the entrance or in a corridor to hold your shoes. With its breathable shelves, an open shoe rack will allow your shoes to dry quickly while airing them at the same time. This is also a clever solution to incorporate if your home has a mud room. 

Use Discarded Wood To Create A Shoe Stand

When building DIY shoe racks, your best starting point will be reusing scrap material that has accumulated while making other furniture. During any carpentry work around the home, you’ll usually find pieces of wood leftover. These can be mixed and matched to create a geometrically abstract shoe rack. In this unique shoe stand, the taller slots can be used for holding boots, while the shorted spaces for the rest of your footwear. A living room design would be a perfect place to flaunt your new DIY shoe rack.

Use discarded wood at your home as a shoe rack for classic home interiors - Beautiful Homes
Image courtesy, Pixel-Shot/ Shutterstock
An old wooden frame that has been repurposed as a shoe rack - Beautiful Homes
Image courtesy, New Africa/ Shutterstock

The Art Of Getting Creative When Making A Diy Shoe Rack

When building or creating something yourself, inspiration can spark from anywhere. And, sometimes, necessity is the mother of invention. If you’re looking for a DIY solution for shoe racks in your home, start looking at the furniture around you and the pieces you can reuse or work around to create it. In this room, an old frame with wooden slats has been used to hang shoes by their heels. Not only is this a utilitarian choice but also adds a geometric focal point to the space—a true example of form meeting function.  . 

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