Complete guide for choosing the right floor colour for your home

  • Flooring
Nov 12, 2021
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When you are designing your home, every little detail needs to be just right. This includes one very large and a rather important area, the floor. Here is a complete guide to help you choose the right one

The art of colour matching, believe it or not, is an exact science. And like all other sciences, it takes years to master. People who are involved in the construction and creation of new houses, like architects and interior decorators, take years to master the art of colour matching - i.e. matching the colour scheme of relevant areas in your house. So if you feel like you’re not doing a good enough job at it as a homeowner, or a first-timer, fret not, because maybe no one ever does. Of these, choosing the perfect floor paint colour to complement the colour scheme of the rest of your interiors, may be the toughest one. This is because you can be baffled very easily by the endless possibilities. We at Beautiful Homes want to help you with this task, and have collated a few things that will help you make a better and informed decision. Read on!

Tip 1: Size Matters

The size of the room matters. The floor paint colour is responsible for giving a certain aesthetic to a room. It is also important to note and understand that the floor colour,whether it is the tiles colour for floor or the paint of the floor on a hardwood floor, lends a certain feeling of space to the room. In fact, it has a very major impact on that. This is irrespective of whether the room is small or big, but whether it is small or big helps to decide the tone that you’d want to use. If you have a room that is large and wide, then you might want to consider floor colour paint in tones that are warm. Colours to go well with paint colours with light wood floors would be oak and dark chocolate brown. Colours like Beige and wengé and walnut, would make the new floor look cosy. This will also make your large room seem smaller and cosier.


This effect also works in the other direction. Which means that if your room is tinier, or relatively smaller,using the right colours make or break the aesthetic of the room, and the vibe that comes in. If you have a smaller room, try using lighter and more natural floor colours like marble white or light oak. If you have cement flooring, you can colour that too. A tiled floor could benefit from marble floor colours or wooden colour tiles as well. These shades, when applied, open up the room. And in turn, you may not have to get rid of half of your furniture eating up too much space either.


Know more about Marble vs Vitrified tiles which works best for your home.

Arch design for your luxurious home interior - Beautiful Homes
Light colour shades to enhance your home interiors - Beautiful Homes

Tip 2 : Don’t Underestimate Colours

The colours you choose for your room, be it your wall or floor, have a major impact on what is called the atmosphere and vibe of the room. The way you decorate also helps with that. For example, light colours like white or sky blue will give a sunnier, happier feel to the space. The best colour tiles for your floor could be a lighter shade to ensure that the room always looks bright and radiant. Shades of yellow signify optimism and fun. White means purity. Béige on the other hand signifies openness. Do you want your interior to be looking calm and peaceful? Try going for grey tones. Grey floor tiling is timeless. Dark Grey floors tiling could also look very rich and have a subtle aesthetic.

And interior that has a rich amount of wood tiles colour like brown or oak, will have a very rustic and natural feel. Black on the other hand, signifies class and luxe. A black floor could give the room a dramatic edge, like in the movies. It could also look very powerful and edgy, depending on the glossiness of the colour or tiles.

Tip 3 : Where’s the Light?

The kind of light your room or floor gets matters a lot in colour selection. Lighting in your room can change gradually throughout the day, depending on where exactly  the window or inlet of light is. Therefore while judging a floor sample, whether it is tiles or laminate flooring colours, do it multiple times during different parts of the day. Looking at a flooring colour at night, in artificial light, will give you a very very different impression than looking at the same floor colour paint in the afternoon under natural sunlight. Lighting matters, and you need to make sure you realise and understand the effects on your perception of colour and space under different lighting conditions during the different times of the day. Your new floor colour shouldn’t be a hasty decision, but a very meticulously considered one. There are certain rooms you spend more time in than the other, like your bedroom and kitchen might see more footfall than a bathroom. Every room has its own unique lighting and the best colour tiles for floor are chosen keeping in mind the lighting in these differently used spaces.

Decorative ceiling light ideas to light up your home interior - Beautiful Homes
Marble flooring to make your home look more elegant - Beautiful Homes

Tip 4 : Do not Forget the Big Picture

What do we mean by that? We mean that you don’t have to choose the colour scheme for just one room, but your whole house. And also, please do not choose the floor colour based on an empty room. Any room has furniture as an integral part of it, and the colour of those matters too. Make sure that the floor tile paint colour you choose matches your broader colour scheme and the aesthetic of your entire room. Your interior design scheme comes into play here. Do you have furniture that needs emphasis? Boom, that is a factor now. If yes, use natural colours and that will make your furniture more prominent by giving it all a neutral stage. Red tones will bring a sense of luxury too.

They go well with heavy or colonial furnishings. If you have a country-style interior though, earthy tints like oak and brown are the best fit. Some elements that add to your interior should also be considered and added. A paint chip or a cabinet wood sample from the other room, can help set a great new floor colour.

Tip 5 : Think of Temperature

Every colour absorbs and reflects heat differently. Darker tones feel hotter in the sun, while lighter tones reflect most of the light. Keep this in mind while colouring or tiling your floor. You wouldn’t want to walk on coals on an afternoon in a room that is naturally filled with sunlight. On the other hand, you wouldn’t want to feel like a polar bear on ice in a colder, lighter room. Floor tile colours can also come embedded in your choice of material. For example, a marble floor is almost always going to be glossy and have a shade of white which will keep the room cooler - both looks wise and temperature wise.

Contrast level floor colour options for your home interiors - Beautiful Homes

Tips to Keep in Mind

There are some questions you should ask yourself before making the final decision on your floor colour.

  • What do you like? What do you prefer to be the contrast level in your floor colour options?
  • What is the style of your home? How is your décor imagined?
  • Do you have pets?
  • Is your house a busy place?
  • How often do you clean? Do you live in a dusty neighbourhood?
  • What are the sizes of your rooms? How much light do they get?
  • What colour are the walls? What is the contrast or complement level you imagine for your floors accordingly?
  • What colour is your furniture?


For expert advice on selecting the best flooring options for your home, a comprehensive flooring guide can be invaluable. 


At Beautiful Homes Service Advantage for modern and functional home interiors (services, products and shop), we can help you make better choices and informed decisions for your flooring design colour needs. If you need any assistance with home décor needs or interiors, feel free to reach out to us. We’d be genuinely happy to help!

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