All you need to know about vertical garden

  • Plants Décor
Oct 23, 2022
Vertical wall garden in this office design - Beautiful Homes

Whether you are a seasoned gardener or a novice, this low-down about vertical gardens will surely help you design a brilliant one of your own

With biophilic house design trends on the rise, you see many people trying to integrate greenery into their homes. But with constricted spaces in mainly urban areas, the task can be difficult. In comes vertical gardens, an ingenious substitute for traditional gardens. Here is everything you need to know about this fast-growing trend that might just turn into a classic.


What is a Vertical Garden?

As the name suggests, a vertical garden is an alternative gardening method that utilises the walls and height in a space rather than the floor. You can incorporate vertical gardening systems in both interior and exterior house design.


Vertical Garden Benefits

  • Vertical gardens are equally great at maintaining the air quality and temperature in surrounding spaces.
  • Since it aids in temperature control, it inevitably reduces energy costs.
  • A greenwall acts as an insulator, absorbing sound and reducing noise levels by up to 8 decibels.
  • Being surrounded by greenery has been shown to affect physical and mental health positively. Vertical gardens are no different.
  • It is a creative way to use up space that would otherwise remain unproductive.
  • You can grow organic produce for yourself and control the amount and kind of pesticides in them.
  • Green features, whether indoors or outdoors, are aesthetically pleasing.



What are the Best Plants for Vertical Gardens?

Vertical gardens can be designed for indoor, outdoor and in-between spaces. This brief list will give you a rough idea of the best plants for vertical garden

1. Indoor Vertical Garden Plants: Fern

Ferns add lush and textural elements to any garden. They are an excellent option for a low-maintenance indoor vertical garden as they grow best in shaded areas. You can use them for a greenwall, as part of a vertical plant stand or as a hanging wall garden.


2. Bromeliads

Bromeliads, available in different variegations and colours, are a great foliage addition to your exterior and interior vertical garden. Since they require moist yet well-drained soil, grow them in vertical stands for plants instead of a green vertical wall.

Vertical indoor garden in this minimalist living room design - Beautiful Homes
Multiple indoor vertical garden plants ideas for your home - Beautiful Homes

3. Indoor Vertical Garden Plants: Pothos

Pothos is yet another gorgeous plant for a low-maintenance indoor vertical garden. It's a vining plant, so you could use it as a living wall garden or a hanging wall garden plant.


4. Lipstick Plant

These plants do not require deep soil. Therefore, you can add them to a green vertical wall or in vertical planters.


5. Peace Lily

Peace lilies are stunning options for an interior vertical garden. They are pretty hardy when kept away from direct sunlight. Place them high on a vertical stand for plants, as they can be toxic to pets and people alike. 

6. Spider Plant

These fast-growing, cascading plants look incredible as hanging plants in an interior vertical garden. Spider plants are tropical, require well-drained moist soil, and must be kept from direct sunlight.


Best Plants for Vertical Garden: Indoor vs Outdoor

For interior vertical garden

For outdoor vertical gardening systems










Morning glory



Best Plants for Vertical Garden: At a Glance


Sun Loving

Shade Loving



Fern, succulents, air plants


Coriander, Chives, Dill

Basil, Oregano,

Fruits and Vegetables

Peppers, Tomatoes, Root vegetables, melons

Microgreens, Leafy greens


Petunia, Nasturtiums, Fuschia

Pansies, Ajuga, Orchids



Steps for Creating a Vertical Garden

1. To start with, Research the Plants you Wish to Grow

This would include figuring out the plants' requirements vis-a-vis sunlight, water and space. While it may vary for each, there are specific broad categorisations that may help you make decisions.

  • Indoor Plants
    If you want to cultivate a low-maintenance indoor vertical garden, choose plants such as pothos, spider plants, snake plants, etc. Most do not require direct sunlight and can go without water for a few weeks. These can be a part of an indoor vertical hanging garden and even a vertical garden in the balcony.

  • Herbs
    Herbs are great options for vertical gardening systems so long as they receive enough indirect sunlight. Parsley, mint, thyme and basil are a few examples. You can mostly contain them in smaller pots.
Modern vertical garden wall design in a luxurious living room - Beautiful Homes
  • Fruits and Vegetables
    Fruits and vegetables need ample space, direct sunlight and regular watering. Thus, most aren't suitable for indoor vertical garden plants or wall gardens. Instead, if you choose vines such as cucumbers, peas and gourds, you can train them to grow up a trellis or stands. The result is a beautiful vertical vegetable garden. You can try a green vertical wall with grapes and certain hybrids of strawberry as well provided your region is suitable for these plants.
  • Options for Vertical Flower Garden
    English lavender, star jasmine, geraniums, and peace lilies are a few flowering plants you could cultivate for an indoor or outdoor vertical garden. While some may grow in a vertical plant stand, others may require a vertical garden frame or trellis.


Select the Area Where you'd Want the Home Vertical Garden

When it comes to the location of home vertical garden, here are your options:

  • outdoor vertical garden
  • vertical garden in the balcony
  • vertical indoor garden
  • rooftop home vertical garden


Once you've chosen the plants you want to grow, you need to consider the following:

  • If they need direct sunlight, a balcony, rooftop, and near windows might be better options.
  • Indoors and windowsills work well for plants requiring indirect or little sunlight.

In addition to natural light, you can rely on grow lights for plants requiring constant light during particular periods.


Brainstorm on the Kind of Design you Want for your Home Vertical Garden

You can try various set-ups or layouts for vertical gardens depending on the amount of space available to you. Here are some vertical gardening systems you may consider.

  1. Vertical indoor garden
  2. vertical garden wall
  3. vertical planters
  4. vertical plant stand
  5. vertical hanging garden
  6. vertical garden panels and trellis


More Design Ideas for your Home Vertical Garden

There are numerous iterations of vertical gardens for both indoor and outdoor areas. Pick a leaf from the following collection and start building your own.

Vertical green wall garden design in a minimalist nature theme living room - Beautiful Homes

1. Indoor Vertical Gardens that are Both Stylish and Simple

If you're a beginner, something simple and chic is the way to go. Instead of an elaborate vertical garden, opt for a few low-maintenance indoor plants. As for the "vertical" aspect, use your shelves as vertical planters indoors.


2. Delightful Modern Alternatives

Who says vertical garden planters always have to be these massive structures? A fun alternative is ceramic pot-style planters in various shapes that you can mount on your walls. It is a great way to add some green to your home in a measured way. Treat it as a part of your décor for a cohesive look.

3. Modern Vertical Garden: A Grand Living Wall

A living vertical garden wall makes for a brilliant pièce de résistance in indoor and outdoor spaces. To keep it interesting, add a variety of foliage vis-a-vis colour and texture. For something contemporary, opt for a metal vertical garden frame; and a wooden one for a rustic look. You can paint either for a more personalised look.


4. Modern Vertical Garden: A Hanging Terrarium Vertical Garden

Are terrariums the next project on your list as most bonafide DIYers? This is a chance to give it a special touch and use them as hanging vertical planters indoors. Since terrariums are micro-environments, the upkeep will be much less than traditional wall garden plants require. But you get to enjoy all the benefits of green elements in your home.


5. Modern Vertical Garden: Metal Frame Vertical Garden Planter

Use metal frames for your wall garden plants or a vertical garden stand for a decidedly contemporary look.

6. Framed Succulent Vertical Garden

For anyone constantly on the go, succulents are the go-to plants. Make the most of these beauties by displaying them on a living wall garden indoors or as hanging plants. Once they've grown enough, you can even perch them on a vertical garden stand.


7. Fabric Planter Vertical Garden

Add a bohemian whimsy to your décor with macrame or crochet planters. They work brilliantly for hanging vertical gardens but can also add some pizazz to other types of vertical gardens.

Vertical green wall with a wooden frame in a biophilic living room - Beautiful Homes

8. A Wooden Tier Vertical Garden

Add a wooden shelving unit to your home décor and turn it into a vertical garden planter. There are a couple of different options here:

  • Add vertical garden panels to some of the sections of your showcase.
  • Opt for a ladder instead of a unit for a vertical vegetable garden or vertical flower garden
  • Choose something more robust if you want to add an irrigation system to the vertical planter. For example, a stand or a unit with multiple wooden crate-like boxes.
Vertical Garden on wall with variety of plants in the outdoor of the house - Beautiful Homes

9. Modern Vertical Garden: Artificial Vertical Garden

You may want green pockets everywhere in your home, but sometimes taking care of all of them can get tricky. With an indoor artificial vertical garden, you can enjoy the verdant aesthetic without any hassle of maintenance. Another benefit of artificial vertical gardens is that you can get them pre-fabricated in any design you wish.


10. Artificial Greenwall With Espalier Trellis

Are you looking to add privacy screens? Instead of a regular artificial greenwall, opt for an espalier trellis for your balcony, patios, and rooftops. You get a statement wall and a superb background for any photo-ops.


How can Beautiful Homes help you create a perfect vertical garden for your home?

With Beautiful Homes' interior design services, you hire professionals who deliver your dream home. With our services, you will get a custom-made vertical garden for your home. Visit our website to browse through our services, products and projects we've executed. Book a consultation call to learn more about the service's process, or walk into any of our stores. Our current stores are spread across Amritsar, Tumakuru, Raipur, Jaipur, New Delhi, Kochi, Karur, Coimbatore, Bengaluru and Nashik, and soon in several other cities.

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