Smart LED lights for home

  • Lighting Ideas
Jun 07, 2022
Smart LED pendant lights for bedroom interiors & lighting - Beautiful Homes

Do you ever feel like having multiple colours of lights and being able to control them? Enter, Smart LED lights!

LED lights have become quite popular in India and other developing nations as opposed to CFT or incandescent lights. This is due to all the rage around their energy-efficient nature. Indian consumers are conscious now. Conscious consumers across the globe have started having a look at the bigger picture. Such a new breed of consumers has started opting for LED lights instead of fluorescent or incandescent bulbs due to the extreme levels of durability and efficiency that LEDs offer. LEDs have now received an upgrade and become smarter.


Programmable LEDs are amazing! Almost every consumer electric company is jumping on this bandwagon. So, what is all the rage about? Let’s find out in this carefully curated piece we wrote just for you.

What are Smart LEDs?

Smart LEDs are lights (or bulbs) that are tweakable to a particular purpose. They are internet-capable LED lights (or bulbs) that allow you to customize lighting to a specific application. Smart LEDs also allow you to schedule and control light remotely. Do you remember the AC that started 2 minutes before you pulled into the driveway so that the room was cool when you walked in? It uses the internet to receive commands from you to work that way. It is the same principle that these Smart LEDs work on. These Smart LED lights enable you to control the lights you have at home or at work, as per your mood or vibe. 

Smart LED ceiling & hanging lights in the bedroom - Beautiful Homes

You can create the appropriate lighting effects for every occasion at your home or in the workplace, merely with the touch of a button or even through an app on your smartphone.

Smart LED light bulbs for ceiling lighting - Beautiful Homes

What are the Types of Smart LEDs?

There are varieties of smart LED lighting solutions available in the market that take the underlying technology and functionality considerations into account.


When we speak about technology, we mean the underlying tech that makes the smart light bulbs actually smart. There are three popular platforms that power the smart LED revolution: Bluetooth, WiFi, and Zigbee. When it comes to function, these days you can practically command the light to do almost anything. It can switch on or off, dim the light to a certain precise level that you can control, change colours or gradients, create hues, jump and breathe in any way, modulate the waves of light, and much more! A smart light solution can set the mood for any occasion.


When it comes to the Bluetooth platform, the actual version used is called Bluetooth Low Energy, or BLE for short. This is an advanced version of the smart light bulbs using traditional Bluetooth tech. Using BLE, you can create a mesh of various networks and interconnected devices which includes multi-colour LED bulbs.

For WiFi, it means that the smart LED bulb is internet capable and is remotely controlled, and given enough access, you can control it from anywhere in the world using just the internet and an application interface (or API) to control and give instructions. This could control everything from smart LED strip lights to smart light bulbs.

How much do Smart LEDs Cost?

Smart LEDs can be made available in multiple price ranges. The market is flooded with varieties of smart LED bulbs both with respect to tech used and the materials used. The ones by Svarochi Lighting (a New Delhi smart lighting solutions company) cost anywhere from ₹790 to ₹5500. There are a lot of popular brands like Philips, SYSKA and Goldmedal also have their own ranges of smart light solutions, smart LED bulbs, and smart LED strip lights. In short, there is a smart light for home available for any price range - from affordable to luxury variants. 

Smart LED chandelier light for bedroom lighting - Beautiful Homes
Smart LED ceiling lighting for dining room - Beautiful Homes

How energy-efficient can smart LEDS be?

Smart LEDs can be as efficient as usual LED bulbs or lights if not more, in the context of smart lights for home. The range of smart LEDs available in the market usually has a metric to measure this and is printed on the box they come in or in the instructions brochure. 

How can I Utilize a Smart LED in my Décor?

1. Customized lighting: With smart LEDs, you can modulate the levels of lights you use in your home. You can control multiple aspects of light such as hue, tone, and brightness. You can even save your settings as a preference for quick use in the future.


2. No wires: The hassles of wires are a relic of the past. Forget about twisted wires and broken wires. For smart LEDs, all you need is an app and a smart LED device. You can plug in the device and operate it from anywhere. This type of smart LED is popularly known as WiFi LED bulb.

Remote control smart LED lighting for a smart home - Beautiful Homes

3. Décor extraordinaire: Having the perfect lighting in your house is all about creating several layers using multiple light sources and creating the oomph effect of ambiance at home. For example, your bedroom should have the perfect combination of ambient lights, mood lights, and accent lights that let you relax, party, or have a good night’s sleep depending on the mood. Smart LED lights and smart LED tube lights enable you to customize such moods or vibes across your home using LED bulb RGB techniques.


We strongly believe that LEDs in general and most importantly smart LEDs are here to stay. These variants of LEDs are energy-efficient and very functionally appealing. The advancement has come to a level that Alexa on Amazon Home and the Google Assistant on Google Home can operate such smart LED lights or even smart LED tube lights through voice commands. With the growing popularity of home automation and the Internet-of-Things, smart LEDs can maybe even make their way into your home as “normal” lights or multi-colour LED bulbs. Go ahead and experience the new way of lighting!


At Asian Paints Beautiful Homes, we understand how significant it is to build each corner of your home. You simply need to let us know about the sort of interior design you are looking for, and we will assist you in transforming your vision into reality by fine-tuning your ideas. Whether you want to create more aesthetic appeal or align the vibe of your space with existing structures or play with colour combinations - we will be able to meet your needs well. We also help with specific furnishings such as traditional kitchen design and can guide you through the whole process of selecting or renewing one. We happen to be experts in lighting solutions and smart lights for home and have designed scores of customized interiors.


Our approaches to modern interior design come in a wide range. At Beautiful Homes, we provide a large selection of products and services to cater to your interior design and décor needs concerning smart lights for home. We've got it all, from furniture to wall treatments, lighting to wood solutions. Our design professionals are well-versed in all styles of interior design. Our designs are splendid yet functional enough to create an elegant environment and make your experience memorable. From the right furnishings and materials in diverse colours to a variety of options and accessories for your home—find what you’re looking for, and get your house design just right. Our Beautiful Homes Service Advantage includes:

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