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Tips for pooja room decoration for Diwali

  • Festive Interior Design
Oct 20, 2022
Painted diyas for the pooja room diwali decoration - Beautiful Homes

Most Indian homes are firmly ensconced in religion and in Hindu homes, a puja room is a must. Whether it is a large puja room in a big mansion or simple pooja mandir designs for walls, having a space for prayer is important. The puja room is especially important on festive occasions, like Diwali, and great care is taken for Diwali pooja ghar decoration.


Diwali is also known as the Festival of Lights, and is one of the main festivals in the Indian calendar. It is celebrated in October or November each year.


Diwali Decoration Ideas for Home and Puja Mandir

As one of the most auspicious occasions for Hindus, Diwali is celebrated across the country with zest and pomp. Here are attractive Diwali decoration ideas for home and puja mandir.


1. Use Painted Diyas for your Pooja Room Decoration for Diwali

Diyas are one of the most important decorations for Diwali and can be used in myriad ways. Line them up in rows outside your front door, use them on stairs or place them in strategic spots around your home where they will have the most impact. Apartment balconies filled with shining diyas make a beautiful visual. Use electric diyas for pooja room decoration and alternate with flowers for an eye-catching effect.

2. Colourful Rangoli Stickers for Pooja Room

Rangolis in vivid colours are another gorgeous way to brighten up the home and the puja room. Use them at the entrance of the home, the stairwell, and for Diwali pooja place decoration. Enhance the designs with marigold petals, rose petals, leaves and diyas to add an extra sheen to the gorgeous designs.

Colourful rangoli stickers for the pooja room Diwali decoration - Beautiful Homes
Silver Diwali pooja room decoration ideas - Beuatiful Homes

3. Auspicious Silver Diwali Pooja Room Decoration

Silver is an auspicious metal to use during prayer rituals. Take out all your silver items, from lamps, bells and incense stands, to plates and flowers baskets, and display them as part of your Diwali pooja room decoration to add a sparkle and gleam to the space.

4. Alluring Diwali Lights for Home

Diwali is one festival where the number of lights is never enough. Apart from diyas, string lights, rice lights, LED lights, coloured bulbs, and strip lights are all gorgeous ways to decorate the house and the puja room. Diwali Lights can be strung around mandir columns, threaded through garlands or made into stunning backdrops for a lavish puja room decoration for Diwali. For a warm and welcoming vibe, hang them from doorways or wind them around pillars. Strip lighting up the sides of the walls can light up your home in a spectacular way.

Diwali lights for the pooja room decoration - Beautiful Homes
Flower mandir decoration for Diwali - Beautiful Homes

5. Delightful Flower Mandir Decoration Diwali

Marigolds are a crowd favourite and are a spectacular addition to Diwali pooja ghar decoration. Marigolds come in different shades and using a mix of shades can make your decoration stand out even more. Apart from marigolds, there are several other beautiful flowers that can be used for Diwali pooja place decoration and house festival décor. These include roses, hibiscus, jasmines, lotus, magnolia and oleander. Use them as accents to complement the marigold and make your puja room more beautiful.

6. Enchanting Mandir Decoration Diwali Lanterns

For a more simple and charming decoration, bring down the number of string lights and add a few lanterns around the home. They can be hung from the eaves of the house, from low hanging tree branches, and around the puja mandir. In apartments, lanterns can be hung from balcony railings or grills for a very enchanting look.


7. Use Leaves For Bewitching Diwali Pooja Ghar Decoration

Mango leaves, basil leaves, betel leaves, Dhruva, fragrant screw pine, and bel leaves are some of the leaves used during Hindu festivals. These leaves are of different shapes and sizes, making them ideal as puja room decoration for Diwali. Green is a calming colour, and the addition of leaves provides a serene atmosphere during prayer and meditation.

Lantern for the pooja room Diwali decoration - Beautiful Homes

8. Incorporate Fragrance in your Pooja Room Decoration for Diwali

Heady fragrances are one of the first things that assail the senses during any festival and this surreal and calming effect can be achieved with incense sticks. Another clever way to increase aromas is by adding a few drops of fragrance oil to the diya oil. This way, wherever the diyas are lit, the beautiful fragrances will dance around in the air. The heady scent of flowers, camphor and sandalwood will add to the divine and joyous festival atmosphere.


9. Rich And Vibrant Mandir Decoration Diwali Materials

Whether it is dressing the puja room, dressing the gods or dressing yourself, Diwali is all about bold and vibrant colours. Use deep reds and yellows, oranges and mustards and green and gold fabrics to decorate the puja room. It can be used as a backdrop on the walls or twirled around the mandir columns to provide stunning colour and vibrancy.


10. Devotional Songs to Celebrate Diwali

Diwali reaches out to all the senses, from the brilliant colours to the heady fragrance and delicious sweets. The auditory sense cannot be left behind. Awaken the soul with religious songs that inspire devotion. Let all your senses combine to make this Diwali a truly religious experience for the soul.



How can Beautiful Homes Help you with the Best Pooja Room Decoration for Diwali?

A puja room is an important corner of an Indian home and at Beautiful Homes, we give it the importance it deserves. Whether it is a large puja room or simple mandir designs for small flats, we have it covered. We offer interior design services in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Pune. Check out our online store for stunning puja room décor that will make your Diwali shine. Enjoy the Festival of Lights!

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