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Vastu shastra for home makeovers to spark joy

  • Vastu Shastra
May 21, 2020

What Is Vastu Shastra?

Literally translating to “the science of architecture”, Vastu Shastra lays down the principles of design, layout, measurements, ground preparation, space arrangement and spatial geometry for a home or any built-up structure; sometimes incorporating traditional Hindu (and even Buddhist) religious beliefs, the theories of Vastu provide ideas and concepts for making a living space harmonious with nature, not restricted to rigid layout diagrams and integrating geometric patterns, symmetry and directional alignments.


The ideas and concepts of Vastu Shastra for home are models for the organisation of space and form within a room or a collection of rooms or structures, based on their functions in relation to each other, as well as their purpose and usage. While Vastu Shastra includes advice and guidelines for all rooms design in a home—such as the bedroom, kitchen, living room, playroom, home office, prayer room and the outdoor spaces—its science has also been incorporated in the building of cities, townships, gardens, roads, waterworks, and other large public areas.


Vastu Shastra for house is considered to be a living soul and aims at balancing the five elements (earth, fire, water, space, and air) to reach the maximum level of positive energy. Each home or living space comes with its own energy and for a house to be harmonious and happy, it needs to radiate the right kind of energy. At the end of the day, it is the home’s  energy that will influence each living members’ mental health.

House design vastu shastra - Beautiful Homes
Image courtesy, Ira Gosalia @ira_phxindia for We Design Studio
Vastu shastra for home entrance door - Beautiful Homes
Photography by Prachi Damle

What If My Home Wasn’t Built With Vastu Shastra Architecture?

While the science of Vastu illustrates architectural principles for building a structure, it also offers guidelines for the vastu for home interior design, that means room layouts but also home decorations. Sometimes you might be lucky and already enjoy a home or another building (even office spaces) that has been built compliant to Vastu, but if that is not your case and you would still like to have a Vastu-sensitive home, the ancient guide shows us ways in which we can negate negative energies and rectify ill-placed structures.

What Are The Principles Of Basic Vastu For House?

Since Vastu Shastra encourages the flow of positive energy, its starting point—which is the selection of the house property—is very crucial, as it lays down the location and orientation of the living space. As per Vastu Shastra for home, any direction that a home faces—East, West, North or South—is considered good, because each of them has its own advantages.


  • The position of the kitchen, the heart of a home, directly impacts the health and wealth of a family; whereas the interiors of a bedroom impact the health, career and personal life of the people who inhabit it.
Dining room design & placement as per vastu - Beautiful Homes
Image courtesy, Sameer Tawde, Designed by MuseLAB
  •  The position of the pooja room design impacts prosperity and peace in the house.


  • The way furniture is placed in a space can affect the energy balance, generating a positive or negative impact on health and mental peace.


  • Placing mirrors in distinctive places in the house can support health and happiness.


  • Correct placement of water is essential for maintaining good health and hygiene.


  • The colour palettes selected for every room of the house can also have an impact on the mood or vibe in the space, and can be chosen with a specific goal in mind.


The Science Of Vastu Shastra Architecture

A structure and its design are at the essence of Vastu Shastra architecture. The outer shape or shell of a home can help channel the right energy and prevent any negative forthcomings.

Science of vastu shastra architecture - Beautiful Homes
Image courtesy,
  • Symmetrical or right-angled shaped plots, such as rectangleor square, work well as conductors of Vastu principles. These plot shapes help with financial growth, bringing prosperity and happiness to the house.


  • Irregular or curved shaped structures (oval, circular or semi-circular) are not auspicious, as the ancient science believesthey restrict an individual’s growth and cause various health problems, losses and a general lack of happiness in the house.

Vastu Shastra For Different Spaces at Home:


1. Vastu Shastra for Home: House Entrance

In Vastu Shastra, the entrance of a house is considered the focal point for energy flow and can have a significant impact on the overall atmosphere of your living space. Here are some tips to help ensure a Vastu-compliant entrance that promotes positive energy flow and enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home.


  • Ideally, the entrance should be in the north, northeast, or east direction, as they're associated with prosperity and positivity.

  • The entrance door should be made of natural materials like wood or metal to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Avoid synthetic materials.

  • Choose a rectangular or square-shaped entrance proportional to your house size for stability and balance.

  • Ensure that the lighting is adequate and well-lit at the entrance to create a welcoming atmosphere.

  • Add decorative elements like potted plants, wind chimes, or paintings, but avoid cluttering the entrance. By following these tips, you can enhance the energy flow and aesthetic appeal of your living space, creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere for guests.


2. Vastu Shastra For Bedroom

For the master bedroom design vastu to be harmonious and happy, it should be built facing the South-West and never the South-East, as this second direction is governed by the element of fire.

  • Since this is a space to unwind, rest and relax, consider usinga softer colour palette for a Vastu-compliant style. Avoid also the use of photographs representing unrest, strife or war,alongside with anything that stirs unhappy or negativeemotions, to not disturb the restful vibe of the room.


  • The bed direction as per vastu should be located in a way that allows your head to rest towards the South or the East,as these directions bring good sleep and ensure a long life.


  • Mirrors should not be located inside the vastu bedroom asthey lead to frequent quarrels among the members of the house.


  • As per vastu bed should be placed at the south or west part of the room.
Bedroom design & placement as per vastu shastra - Beautiful Homes
Image courtesy, H and M Home

3. Vastu Shastra For Living Room

Living room design is a space where the family comes together to entertain friends and guests. In order to provide a relaxed slate for building positive and long-lasting relationships, the space needs to be as harmonious as possible.

Living room design & placement as per vastu - Beautiful Homes
Photography by Prachi Damle
  • To instil calmness and affection, choose a lighter or pastel colour palette for this room.


  • The North-East corner of the vastu living room/drawing room should remain clutter-free for peace; while the use of potted plants and paintings of nature or other pleasant sceneries will enhance the tranquillity of the room and generate positive energy.


  • Decorating with or simply storing flowers in the room, that are artificial or dried, is considered inauspicious and will attract neagtive energy.

4. Vastu Shastra For The Kitchen

In Vastu for house also the space where the home’s nourishment originates from, is extremely vital to balance out the energies, as these can be passed on to the food cooked in here.

  • Never place the cooking stove or countertop hob next to the sink (or other sources of water). The former uses fire, while the latter has flowing water: both these elements are at constant war with each other.


  • Avoid using black tiles or paint for the walls or for the furniture in this space, opt instead for bright, cheery colours that signify warmth and love.


  • Earthy colours, like beige and ruddy, will also work well in the modular kitchen as they signify stability.
Kitchen design & placement as per vastu - Beautiful Homes
Image courtesy, Bungalow 99
  • To stay grounded, stick to natural stones for the countertop,such as granite or quartz.
  • The kitchen direction as per vastu should be in the south east corner of the house and the person cooking should face east.
  • As per dining room vastu the table should be connected to the kitchen.


5. Bathroom Vastu Shastra

Considered the most neglected space in a home according to the ancient science, the bathroom design can be a space of negative energy when it lacks cleanliness and necessary repairs.


  • The ideal location for the bathroom is in the North-West, which is meant to aid the elimination of waste.
  • The entrance door should be made out of solid wood, not metal, as that would invite negativity and have a negative effect on your health.
  • When possible, keep the bathroom door closed (especially when not in use) to stop this room’s energy from flowing into another.
  • Do not adorn the bathroom door with decorative statues or symbols of worship.
  • A bed that shares a wall with the toilet may cause nightmares, and neither should the vastu kitchen or vastu for pooja room, as this is a sign of inauspiciousness.
  • Wet areas, such as wash basins and showers, must be on the East, North and North-East side of the room.
  • The correct direction for the water outlet and drainage is North, East or North-East; and the bathroom floor should slope in the same direction for water drainage.


6. Vastu Tips For Children's Room

Your little one’s room is a space for nurturing, growth and development. According to Vastu Shastra for homes, this room should evoke as much love, warmth, happiness and peaceful dreams as possible.


  • The kids’ bedroom door  should open clockwise, lacking any boards or signages hung on it as these can foster negative energy, such as ego clashes, aggression and fights between children and their parents.
  • To avoid insomnia or hypertension, avoid placing the bed in front of a mirror, window or door. Mirrors especially are known to suck the positive energy out of a space, and can sometimes make the mind wander—thereby being detrimental to the child‘s peaceful sleep.
  • Always discard unused stationery, including pens without a refill, unsharpened pencils, torn books, old books or newspapers, as they attract negative vibrations. The study table or desk should be clutter-free for a clear path to success. Avoid placing shoes or slippers under the table as it hinders concentration.
  • Bookshelves placed in the North-East side of the room should always be made out of wood and not metal.


7. Vastu Shastra for Home: Dining Hall

The dining hall is the heart of any home. It's where you gather with family and friends to share meals, make memories, and create lasting connections. Follow these tips to ensure a Vastu-compliant, blissful dining room design:


  • Ideal location: West or northwest direction for positive energy and healthy digestion.

  • Use a rectangular or square-shaped table proportional to the room size for stability and balance.

  • Place the dining table so the head of the family faces east and ensure comfortable seating arrangements.

  • Use bright and warm lighting, natural elements, and decor to create a harmonious and balanced space.

  • Keep the dining hall clean, clutter-free, well-ventilated, and free of unpleasant odours.


8. Vastu Shastra for Home: Staircase

Staircases are like the arteries of a house. They connect different levels of your home and allow energy to flow freely throughout the space. Here are some tips to consider when designing a staircase:


  • Use a spiral or curved staircase for free-flowing energy and aesthetic appeal.

  • Ensure the size is proportional to your house.

  • Choose natural materials like wood or stone for warmth. Bold colours like yellow or orange enhance positivity.

  • A well-lit staircase with diffused lighting and decorative elements such as artwork or plants creates a harmonious space.


9. Vastu Shastra for Home: Study Room

The study room design is a special place in the house where you can focus, learn, and grow your knowledge. As such, it's important to create a space that promotes productivity, creativity, and positivity. According to Vastu Shastra, the principles of energy flow and balance can be applied to the design and layout of your study room to create a harmonious and conducive environment for learning. Here are some tips to help you design a study room that aligns with Vastu principles and supports your educational goals:


  • Ideally, the study room should be located in the east, north, or northeast direction of your home for positive energy.

  • Rectangular or square-shaped rooms provide balance and stability. Ensure the size is proportional to your needs.

  • Use natural light and bright colours like yellow or orange. Avoid dark colours or dim lighting.

  • Use ergonomic furniture, avoid clutter, and add plants, artwork, and inspirational quotes to create a motivating environment.


Home Vastu Tips


1. Home Vastu Tips: Shape of the Home

The shape and layout of your home can impact the flow of energy and overall atmosphere. Here are some vastu tips for house:


a. Rectangular or square shapes promote stability and balance.

b. Avoid irregular shapes to prevent disharmony and instability.

c. Orient your home based on the cardinal directions for specific benefits:


  • North-facing homes bring good fortune.

  • East-facing homes promote creativity and growth.

  • South-facing homes are associated with stability and strength.

  • West-facing homes provide a sense of security and comfort.


2. Home Vastu Tips: Proper Ventilation

Proper ventilation is crucial for a healthy living space, and it also impacts the flow of energy in your home according to Vastu Shastra. Here are some tips:


  • Opt for windows and doors in the north or east direction for better airflow.

  • Use appropriate-sized windows and doors in every room.

  • Avoid placing furniture in front of windows or doors.

  • Incorporate natural materials like wood and stone in your home design to promote good ventilation.


3. Vastu Colours

Colours greatly impact the mood and energy flow in a living space. Here are some vastu tips for house:


  • White brings peace and purity; ideal for an open and airy feel.

  • Yellow represents intellect and creativity; suitable for study rooms or workspaces.

  • Green symbolises growth and harmony; ideal for living rooms or bedrooms.

  • Blue signifies calmness and tranquillity; perfect for bedrooms or meditation rooms.

  • Red promotes energy and socialisation; ideal for dining spaces or kitchens.

  • Purple signifies wealth and sophistication; perfect for a rich and elegant feel in living rooms or bedrooms.


4. Performing Havan

Performing a havan is an important ritual in Vastu Shastra. Here are some tips to ensure that your havan is performed according to the principles of Vastu:


  • The ideal place for performing a havan is the northeast corner of your house, as this is considered to be the most auspicious direction according to Vastu.

  • Make sure that the area where you are performing the havan is clean and free from clutter.

  • Place idols or pictures of deities in the northeast corner of the room, facing eastwards.


5. Maintain your Health and Home

Vastu Shastra principles help maintain good health and promote positive energy in your home. Here are tips to consider:


  • Clean regularly and declutter for positivity and good health.

  • Use curtains or blinds to ensure natural light enters your home.

  • Indoor plants purify the air and promote positive energy flow.

  • Place your kitchen in the southeast direction; stove in south or southeast direction.

  • Sleep with your head pointing towards the south or east direction.

  • Place water elements such as fountains or aquariums in the northeast or north direction.


6. Auspicious Time to Move-In

Moving into a new home according to Vastu Shastra requires choosing an auspicious time. Here are tips:


  • Move in during Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday morning/afternoon for positive energy.

  • Move in during a waxing or full moon phase for growth and abundance.

  • Consult with an astrologer or Vastu expert for the most auspicious time based on your birth chart and planetary positions.

  • Perform a housewarming ceremony after moving in to bless the living space and promote positive energy flow.




1. Which direction is best for the main door?

The direction of the main door determines the flow of energy into the house. The ideal direction for the main entrance is the north, east, or northeast direction. These directions are associated with positive energy and bring good luck and prosperity into the house. The door should also be wide enough for two people to pass through side by side.


2. What brings positive energy in the house?

There are various ways to bring positive energy into the house according to Vastu Shastra. Some common practices include using bright and vibrant colours in the house, keeping the house clean and clutter-free, using natural materials like wood and stone, and incorporating elements of nature into the design. Additionally, placing feng shui items like crystals, wind chimes, and plants in different areas of the house can also help to enhance positivity and balance the energy.


3. Which Vastu is good for a house?

Vastu Shastra offers various guidelines for creating a harmonious and balanced living space. Some of the key principles of Vastu that are considered beneficial for a house include having a well-lit and spacious living area, incorporating natural elements like light and air, placing furniture in a specific manner to create a flow of energy, and using colours and materials that create a soothing and calming effect.


4. What are the rules of Vastu?

Vastu Shastra has different rules for different types of houses such as residential buildings, commercial buildings, factories etc. Generally speaking, some of the basic rules include placing heavy furniture on the south or west walls; avoiding sharp corners; ensuring proper ventilation; using auspicious colours; and keeping the entrance clutter-free.


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