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Ideal wardrobe measurements & dimensions: All you need to know

  • Wardrobe Design
Aug 28, 2022
Standard wardrobe dimension with glass door - Beautiful Homes

One of the most common, yet greatest mysteries in life is how quickly a closet can go from perfectly neat, tidy and clean to looking like there’s been a tragic accident within it. But, in truth, your wardrobe falling into disarray in the time it takes to blink is most often just a clear indication that its design isn’t quite right for you – what you’re missing is the ideal wardrobe dimension layout and measurements! Regardless of wardrobe size, with efficiently planned wardrobe design, you can tailor-make an organisational paradise; a storage space where your clothes are always easy to access, crease free, uncluttered and well organised.


Read on if you want the low-down on all the wardrobe dimension details you’ll need to ensure you’re making the best use of your space.

1. Hinged / Swing Wardrobe Measurements

A hinged or swing wardrobe is the most common and one of the most popular wardrobe designs. They have a very simple structure, with either double or single front-shutters / door-panels on hinges. This makes them easy to build in a wide variety of styles and closet dimensions. Of course, since the doors swing outward, plenty of room is usually required in front of such wardrobes if you don’t want a lot of hassle.

  • For both double and single shutter, standard wardrobe size starts at 7ft height x 2ft depth (approx. 84in x 24in), although a depth of 22in – though insufficient for hanging clothes – is possible if you’re tight on space.

  • 7ft high is the standard wardrobe size in feet, because most wardrobes are made to match the height of door lintels.

  • Some people choose to go for a full-height wardrobe, using the space from floor to ceiling for a more streamlined look; you could also opt for a seperate over-wardrobe loft, which keeps the aesthetic of a full-height wardrobe, while being more practical.
Hinge wardrobe size with laminate finish - Beautiful Homes
  • When it comes to width, wardrobe measurements for a single shutter start at 2ft, with double shutters at a total of 4ft (since they have two door-panels), this is because it is imperative to ensure your door-panel width does not exceed 24in, so as not to overload the hinges.


2. Sliding Wardrobe Measurements

The door-panels for such wardrobes slide on tracks, meaning that they need no room for outswing and are a great space-saver. This makes such cupboards a good fit for smaller rooms or for people who want a cleaner, fuss-free look.

Internal wardrobe dimensions for wooden bedroom - Beautiful Homes
  • A minimum width of 7ft is a requirement for sliding wardrobe dimensions, as it will need to house two 3.5ft sliding doors panels that can each be independently opened.

  • By not exceeding a 4ft sliding door, wardrobe dimensions will ensure your shutters aren’t too heavy to run smoothly on their tracks – a separate loft section, with its own door-panels, are also preferable for this reason.

  • With the inclusion of a 2-inch track for the sliding door, wardrobe dimensions stick to a standard 26-inch depth.
  • While sliding wardrobes do away with the need for space in front you still need to calculate the depth to the inch; wardrobe dimensions must take into account sufficient clearance for hanging clothes with the sliding doors.

  • While 7ft is the recommended standard in width for sliding wardrobe dimensions, you can choose to install more door-panels to increase possible width up to 12ft, depending on available space and your need.


3. Walk-in Wardrobe Measurements

As the ultimate statement closet and a testament to both luxury and convenience, walk-in closet dimensions tend to be very large, and there is no real standard as to possible size. Depending on the space available, you could have a three-sided, double-sided or single sided walk-in, custom built to suit your specific requirements.

  • The smallest walk-in wardrobe would be a single side walk-in, where shelves are only ranged along one wall.

  • If you stick to a very basic design, with the standard shelving, hanger-rods and drawers you would not calculate wardrobe dimensions in cm, but since the tailor-made experience of the walk-in allows for unusually sized drawers to hold ties, jewellery, and other such accessories, do keep in mind these may need smaller, custom-built sizes.

  • Broadly speaking, walk-in wardrobe dimension plans require a space of at least 7ft x 10ft to properly live up to the name.
Walk-in closet dimensions with spotlights - Beautiful Homes
  • With a double-sided wardrobe, a clearance of approx. 4-5ft (54-60in) is recommended between the two sides for easy movement and use.

  • For a single-sided walk-in wardrobe, dimension plans should account for a clearance of at least 3ft (36in) in front of the internal shelves, for the best access and ease-of-use.

  • If you want to maximise space use, consider having sliding doors in your walk-in, to avoid the aspect of door clearance.


Internal Wardrobe Dimensions

From the smallest walk-in closet to luxurious affairs where clothing space, shoe rack size and storage room is no concern, the internal planning of a wardrobe is all about a combination of smartly planned shelving, drawers of various sizes and ample hanging rods / hooks to ensure a well-organised, clutter-free and efficient use of space.

Black walk-in closet with LED strips - Beautiful Homes

While you would calculate your main wardrobe dimensions in feet, the internal structure of your cupboard can be more varied; when taking into account the storage of shoes, bags, jewellery, watches and other accessories, you might find wardrobe standard size in cm or more commonly, inches. While planning your new wardrobe, it is necessary to list out your key requirements, including the number of drawers, shelves, etc. and the amount of space you would need for hanging clothes (as well as the necessary height and depth in those areas).

Here are some numbers to keep in mind:


  • Closet Dimensions: Ideal Depth
    For both swing and sliding cupboards, standard wardrobe depth stays at about 24in, but can be reduced to 22in if you do not require hanging space. Similarly for swing cupboards, width of wardrobe would also stay at 24in, as a door-panel with a greater width would put too much strain and weight on the hinges – this is not an issue for sliding doors. Walk-in closet depth is purely dependent on available space.


  • Closet Dimensions: Ideal Height
    When it comes to the standard wardrobe dimension of height, you can go along with the linet of the doorway (7ft tall), or have a larger wardrobe size that goes from floor to ceiling. A loft space at the top of the closet can be either a separate unit, or fit within the main closet, and will give extra room for less-used items.


  • Closet Dimensions: Drawer Sizes
    For your internal wardrobe dimensions drawer size can be just as varied as the things stored within – an 8in depth is quite standard, but 4-6in are also often used. Shallower drawers such as these are often placed at the bottom of cupboard units and can be used to separate just a section within your shelf or hanging space, not impacting your overall wardrobe measurements, while greatly increasing the versatility within it.


  • Closet Dimensions: Shoe Rack / Shelves
    As for shoe rack dimension plans, maintain a height of 6-7in for each shoe shelf, as this is ideal for most types of shoes and will even accommodate shoes in their boxes. While this shoe rack standard size will fit sneakers, sandals and evening shoes and even heels, it will not work for taller boots; if you have tall shoes in your closet add an additional shoe shelf with a height of 18-20in. Maintain the depth of your shoe rack at about 15in. If you are tight on space but want shoe storage within your wardrobe, alternate solutions do exist – opt for pocketed cloth hangers that are major space-savers, or install pull-out trays of 6-7in in height at the base of your wardrobe.


  • Closet Dimensions: Loft Storage
    If you prefer a closet that is no more than 7ft tall, a separate loft space above the closet is a great way to utilise otherwise unusable space without impacting your wardrobe design dimensions. This extra space is additional storage for winter wear, camping equipment, blankets, and other seasonal or less-used items /garments that would otherwise take up space in your cupboard. Made to the same width and depth measurements of your closet, the loft provides a clean, streamlined look that is in line with a full-length wardrobe. While with a full-length wardrobe design, size of the shutters can seem a little overwhelming, with a separate loft above the closet, both aesthetics and functionality are catered too.


Wardrobe Measurements for Every Individual

  • Men's Wardrobe Dimensions

    In most cases, standard wardrobe dimension designs have insufficient hanging room to properly and neatly accommodate your needs.

    ❖ For the best organisation, separate hanging sections to accommodate shirts and pants is ideal. You could divide the wardrobe vertically, with two stacked, equal sections, each at a minimum of 40in in height to avoid causing creases at the bottom of the clothes.

    ❖ Keep a clearance of at least 3in between the hanging rail and the top of the wardrobe so it’s easy to remove and replace hangers – note that this isn’t specific to men’s wardrobe measurements.
Acrylic wardrobe for bedroom design - Beautiful Homes

❖ Install at least two larger drawers for undergarments and smaller clothing items or accessories.


❖ Suits, coats and jackets tend to be broader than other clothing and will require a depth of 28in - 30in within the wardrobe to avoid the sleeves getting crushed (a specific wardrobe for such garments is preferred if you have the room.)


  • Women's Wardrobe Measurements

    Balancing the use of space for smaller garments, with uncreable party wear and long clothing such as maxi-dresses and kurtas is often a major hassle in a women’s wardrobe.
    ❖ Install two hanging sections; one of around 66in - 72in tall for longer clothes and the other at around 40in in height for saris, jackets, pants and formal tops.

    ❖ Shelves in a standard wardrobe size of between 12in - 15in high are perfect for folded clothing.

    ❖ Fix hooks to the inner part of the doors for belts, dupattas and other accessories.

    ❖ Taller drawers and shelves can be tailor made to accommodate purses, evening bags and boots / gladiator shoes, if you have the space.

    ❖ Again, to remain clutter-free, make sure to install drawers for smaller garments like underclothing, socks and work-out wear, which are harder to stack.


  • Children's Wardrobe Measurements

    When it comes to a children’s wardrobe, small size isn’t actually what you need. Instead the key wardrobe dimension to keep in mind to maximise the space is height.
    ❖ Keep the hanging section for vertical garments at around 28in tall; 3 sections of this height will be the perfect fit for a toddler or child’s needs.

    ❖ Multiple drawers in varying sizes (ideally between 6in - 15in wide) can be used for accessories and sundries (don’t forget the drawer organisers to keep things spic-and-span).

    ❖ Open shelves of about 12in high can hold pullout baskets and storage bins for additional storage of shoes, toys, books, folded clothes and other odd-and-ends.

    ❖ Use the shelves at the top of the wardrobe to store seasonal clothing / accessories that aren't currently in use.


With this comprehensive information – of everything from small closets to walk-in closet dimensions – we hope we’ve made it a little easier for you to choose the standard wardrobe dimension plans that are the best fit for your needs and your home. Use our wardrobe cost calculator to get an estimate for your ideal wardrobe design. But if you’re still uncertain, never fear! Our team at Beautiful Homes is always here to help guide you in creating the ideal wardrobe choices for your space!


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