A Metallic Illusory Shade Is Asian Paints’ Colour of the Year for 2023

  • ColourNext Trends
Jan 13, 2023
Metal Illusory Interior Design Ideas - Beautiful Homes

Symbolising a fluid interaction in time and space, the chromatic colour looks at life’s silver linings

Every year, Asian Paints (which dominates the paint and colour industry in India) and its team ColourNext (the only initiative of its kind in the country) develop trend forecasts and a ‘hero’ known as the Colour of the Year. These colour and trend selections are presented to help consumers create styles to update and freshen up their spaces in hues that also reflect the zeitgeist of their time. Year after year, as a part of its forecast process, Asian Paints maps consumer behaviour, consumption patterns, socio-cultural sentiments and lifestyle shifts, working across several institutions and with prominent figures and professionals in the industry holding competitions, interviews and workshops, to finally create the colour forecast.


For 2023, the Colour of the Year is Silver Escapade, which symbolises a fluid interaction between time and space—both virtual and physical, through the past, present and future. The chromatic illusory shade echoes the mind of a traveller—one who’s moving through virtual and physical worlds. It heralds a coexistence between magical stories from our childhood, a brighter optimistic present, and a future that will be consciously created by us. While the past few years forced us into a stillness, it’s important to notice how we’ve gotten through it by unknowingly looking at silver linings. As the world is successfully finding its feet again, we are marching on to the beat of boundless possibilities. 

Stylish and Relaxing Space with Jali Design - Beautiful Homes
Stylish interior of living room - Beautiful Homes


This year, Asian Paints celebrates 20 years of conducting its own colour trend forecasting in India with ColourNext—a one-of-a-kind team and initiative in the country. After dominating the paint industry for decades, in 2003 Asian Paints had the advantage of having a unique window into consumer preferences with key insights in how their environments affected their colour choices. With this unique opportunity, the company created a platform to analyse and represent colour choices and intelligence from an Indian homeowner’s perspective. The initiative focusses on identifying the zeitgeist of the times, which is represented visually using tools of research and colour psychology. Eventually, a foray into forecasting materials a few years ago was a natural extension of being a part of the landscape of home décor in India.

To ease a consumer’s decision-making process when overwhelmed with the sea of swatches, booklets of shade cards and colour palettes available to them, a hero Colour of the Year and complementing trend selections are presented each year to help create styles and looks for a home, while staying relevant to the times.


This month, Asian Paints will be revealing its Colour of the Year, Silver Escapade. Watch this space to know more, and discover a fresh range of products designed for it.


Title image credits: Silver leafing wooden head, Antique finish European style wooden candle stands and Gold & silver spitoons (used as candle stands), from Essajees Atelier


Above fireplace: Birdri work surahi and pot, Silver spitoon (used as candle stand); Inside the fireplace: Jacobian style green crystal candle stands; Indo Moroccan/ Syrian style table with bone & mother of pearl inlay; On centre table: Silver votive, all from Essajees Atelier


Colonial spoon back chair; In the fireplace: Sand stone elephant; Ebony Dutch Ceylonese side table; On side table: Lady’s bust; On centre table: Mediterranean Amphoras, all from Mahendra Doshi Furniture Store


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