De-cluttering checklist: Bedroom

  • Home Renovation
Aug 22, 2019


All the tips you need to keep your bedroom organised


Bedroom Design is one space that tends to fill up with unnecessary bits pretty fast. Instead of a major overhaul, we give you tips on how to keep it tidy with just a little effort.

Daily Checklist

Your bedroom design is your oasis and keeping it clutter-free is essential not just for your peace of mind but for a good night’s rest as well. One of the best habits to form is to do a five minute daily sweep. Doing this at the end of the day before you go to sleep is the best time, since it ensures you don’t sleep amidst a mess and also wake up to a clean bedroom. Use this time to put away unwanted papers, sort out clothes for the laundry and accessories that you wore during the day. Put your electronics and accessories like adapters, cables and headphones away. Spending five minutes in the morning to make your bed can do wonders to cut the clutter and uplift your mood.



To avoid visual clutter, keep make-up accessories tucked away in drawers instead of displaying them on counters.

Weekly Checklist

Take time once a week to clear extras that pile up on your dressing table and night stand. Start with dusting the areas well and use trays or baskets to organise everything. Keep a garbage bag near you to toss unnecessary items. Waste paper bins in the bedroom don’t usually fill up daily so make sure you clean them at least once a week. Give your study area or work station a once over. Use a cable organiser to bunch all your wires together.


If you have a work desk or bookshelf in the bedroom, make sure you wipe down the space for dust regularly.
Use drawer organisers to keep your clothes neatly folded.

Monthly Checklist

Clean out the drawers in your night stand, work table, dressing table and wardrobe at least once a month. Get rid of extras like pens that don’t work anymore or freebies you picked up. If you have a bookshelf in your bedroom, dust the shelves and stack the books from time to time. Invest in storage solutions like drawer dividers and make-up organisers to help keep your dressing table clutter free and neat. Try to store most of your cosmetics in drawers and not on the table top itself, as this creates visual clutter.


Half-yearly Checklist

Every six months, take a good look at your wardrobe and purge what you don’t want or what doesn’t fit. Make three piles of what you want to get rid of – donate, sell, throw – and take a day to actually get rid of them. Don’t forget to look at your shoe closet as well. Get rid of anything you don’t or can’t wear anymore. Toss expired makeup and empty bottles from your dressing table. Review the filling system at your workstation and toss what isn’t needed.


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