How to plan a cosy alcove space

  • Home Renovation
Nov 28, 2016
an alcove space in home

If you, like us, have unsightly recesses in your walls, read on to know how you can optimize these spaces in your home

Creating an alcove space in your home is a clever way to use spaces that otherwise remain under-utilised. Think of the area under staircases or windows that are located in a recess between two columns.


For those who don’t know, an alcove is a recess in the wall, that can become a seating space if planned well. This kind of a recess is commonly seen in apartments in major metros, due to the way in which these homes are designed by builders. 


Creating an alcove window seat in your home is a great way to utilize natural light, by giving your family a spot that receives direct natural light and a great view to boot.  Typically, a window between two columns provides a great opportunity to create an alcove. In the absence of a column, low seating can be created by remodelling your window ledge to a height that works as seating, and then fitting it with cushions that fit that space snugly.  These spaces work well to create a reading nook, given the natural light available. We love how architect Jason Wadhwani has optimized a recess in his wall to create an alcove window seat. (View thumbnail)


The area under a staircase is not particularly useful in a home, and ends up acquiring a lot of junk as a result. Creating an alcove space here and equipping it with a desk is a clever way to optimize space. 


A recess does not necessarily have to be deep into a wall, to plan an alcove. Using a recess space to create a seating ledge with storage options below it works very well in homes that may not have natural storage options. Go ahead, turn that dead space in your home into your favourite morning nook.

Using the space under the staircase is a clever use of dead space.
Spaces with a recess in the wall offer opportunities to create an alcove.
Utilise the area under the staircase to create a desk space.

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