Your hosting skills are directly proportional to the amount of care that you take for your house party. A well-stocked, adequately prepared bar at home interior goes a long way in establishing your credentials as a host. To help, we rounded up the main types of glasses that your bar needs:
1. The Low Ball aka Tumbler
The Tumbler is also known as ‘old fashioned glasses.’ Tumblers usually have thick bottoms and are typically used for drinks that are served neat or with just a little bit of ice in them.
2. The Wine Goblet
Essential for all the people in your group who swear by wine and nothing else, it’s essential to know the difference between glasses for red and white wine. Glasses for red wine have a wider bowl, and are usually taller than glasses used to serve white wine.
3. Highball
A High ball is a tall glass, which is used to serve mixed drinks- that means alcohol with a mix of a non-alcoholic beverage. These are typically the most common glasses to stock in the bar.
4. The Champagne Flute
The flute is a glass used for all sparkling drinks, namely champagne and cocktails like Mimosas. They have a thinner body than a typical wine glass.
5. Pilsner/ Pitcher
This one is for all beer drinkers. While the pitcher is a well-rounded mug with handles, the Pilsner is a slender option to the traditional beer pitcher and is typically used for lighter beers.
6. Shot Glass
Used for downing concentrated shots of neat alcohol, the shot glass is usually about 30 ml in size and is used for either having a shot straight from the glass or to measure out precise cocktail concoctions.
7. Cocktail/ Martini Glass
A Martini glass is distinctive in shape so if you are looking to invest in a set of these, be sure that you don’t use them to serve anything other than a Martini.