Asian Paints’ Colour of the Year for 2021 is Soft, Nurturing and Fresh

  • Colours
Mar 22, 2021
Colour of the year 'Cherish'

It’s that time of the year again, when Asian Paints announces its choice of Colour of the Year. For nearly two decades, India’s largest paint company has run an initiative called ColourNext. After six to eight months of meticulous research, discussions with experts, workshops and in-house deliberations, they present their trend forecasts for the year. These include the one colour to capture the essence of the time–the Colour of the Year–along with the Colour Trends, which introduces material, finish, texture and pattern predictions, and Wallpaper of the Year.

With 2020 was consumed by the COVID pandemic, all social and cultural trends indicate that people are seeking respite, refuge, but also rejuvenation. Especially in the context of space and homes, which have become much more than just shelter. As homes perform multi-duty as restaurant, school, office, even hospice, it must more essentially also be an oasis of calm, of hope. In the aftermath of an unforeseen pandemic that has changed the way we live, people value the present, cherish the moments they’re in, the people they’re with. In the face of uncertainty, society seeks refuge, optimism, and peace.

The Colour of the Year is…
The colour that is to visually represent this strong, underlying mood then must be soft and nurturing. A colour that not only comforts but breathes life into our spaces. A colour that allows us to feel fleeting joys, our reasons to smile. And so, for 2021, the Colour of the Year is ‘Cherish’. This soft, nurturing and fresh shade of mint green (Ivy League 7585) seeks to restore a sense of balance. 

Colour of the year 'Cherish'

The soft green nudges us towards growth while a touch of blue heals and revitalises. ‘Cherish’ brings our restless minds to a place of hope as we imagine a better world and a balanced self.

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