An Indian contemporary living room using Asian Paints Colour of the Year

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Aug 05, 2020
Indian Style Living Room Design Using Brilliant Blue Colour Of The Year - Beautiful Homes

“We wanted to tackle this styling with a realistic approach, and the reality is that our homes are filled with a bunch of different pieces that we have bought or received over time,” explains Keshav Murugan. The design publicist who paired with Mumbai-based interior and product designer Pooja Bhandary to style different settings and wall treatments with the Asian Paints Colour of the Year – Curiosity – insists that our homes should be reflective of who we are. “Our likes and dislikes are inspired by a mix of influences and this is echoed in our homes and personal spaces.”


“This is a canvas for your personal style,” adds Pooja, “and honestly, there are no sets rules. It’s instinctive. You will always have a mix of things to work with, so, use your intuition confidently and go with your gut.” For this look, the duo styled an Indian Contemporary living area that is layered with different elements. There is the warmth of the wood juxtaposed with the fresh blue wall and calming green furnishings, the traditional elements offset by the contemporary wall treatment, and the bold geometry of the wall and rug complemented by the botanical prints of the screen. A wall color combination for living room  will be able to perfectly resonate the warmth and harmony. 


Read on for their tips to work varied influences into a cohesive setting:

Indian Style Living Room Design Using Brilliant Blue Colour Of The Year - Beautiful Homes
The best way to style a room packed with different materials and details is to pick a statement piece and pull the design from it.

Let Your Walls Talk

For this look, they went with just a few vertical and horizontal stripes of varying widths in a vibrant Roasted Orange. Says Pooja, “The blue wall with the contemporary orange stripe works both as an interesting focal feature as well as a wonderful backdrop for the rest of the styling. What I would suggest is to have one wall with both the vertical and horizontal stripes, while the other walls have just the horizontal stripes running through.”


Have A Starting Point And Build On That

The design duo suggest picking a statement piece and pulling the two color combination for the living room  from it in order to effectively style a room with various materials and details.  The design duo suggest that the best way to style a room packed with different materials and details is to pick a statement piece and pull the design from it. “For this look, we chose the screen as the focal point; the other elements are used to extend the narrative,” Keshav explains. 

Don’t Shy Away From Colour

This living room design  features a unique wall colour combination that adds depth and character to the space.  Even though the walls showcase the brilliant blue offset by orange, the designers wanted to add a predominant layer of green to the mix. “We wanted a sense of calm to the space. Green being a cool colour helps to calm the palette. We’ve brought it in through the screen and glass jars which were traditionally used as water containers,” Pooja explains. Drawing from the screen, they also added a vein of mustard yellow to the living room with the rug.


Use Your Instinct When Ssing Different Styles

“Most homes are a mix of furniture and furnishings collected over the years. The secret is to figure out how we take all these influences and make it work together,” says Keshav. The designers worked in traditional details like the rough textured rug paired with the wood and cane chairs which were inspired by the design of the Chandigarh Chair. The screen which features a large botanic print with a cityscape in the background lends an international vibe to the space. Small pieces like antique curios and vintage objects complement the contemporary treatment of the walls.  


Layer Textures And Materials Instead Of Using A Homogeneous Palette 

 “From the glossy glass jars and smooth silk screen with brass details to the wood and cane furniture, to the textured rug and ceramic curio, the look is all about layering,” Pooja explains. “Mixing textures and materials gives a space character!”


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